—————————————— Download a copy of this alert > —————————————— When steel drums are emptied after use, a residue of the lading may remain in the drum. After emptying the contents, steel drums typically are returned for recycling, remanufacturing or reconditioning. Questions often ar
For Updated Information, please see Alert 20-01: FMCSA Hours of Service Regulations Changes. —————————————— Download a copy of this alert > —————————————— Background ISDI Alert 14-03 outlined changes to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Hours of Service (HOS
The Industrial Steel Drum Institute (ISDI) recently uploaded a roster of experts to the ISDI website at oxf.d6b.myftpupload.com/about-isdi/experts/. These experts are available to provide specialized commentary about issue related to steel drums and the packaging industry. Click to re
While Sprinkler Age is not a publication on the “must read” list of industrial packaging manufacturers and fillers, an article in the August 2014 issue is one you should take the time to read as well as consider in evaluating your firm¹s future packaging requirements!
The new Industrial Steel Drum Institute video, aimed at end-user customers in the packaging and shipping industry, touts the versatility, security, cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness of steel drums. The video uses audience-engaging whiteboard animation to tell a story a
—————————————— Download a copy of this alert > —————————————— Recently, the storage of combustible and flammable liquids in industrial occupancies has gained increased attention. This is due to a number of large fires caused or complicated by the storage of flammable and combustibl