At the Asia-Oceanic Steel Drum (AOSD) Manufacturer’s conference last week in Mumbai, India, Industrial Steel Drum Institute (ISDI) Chairman Kyle Stavig called for a coordinated, concerted international effort to protect and enhance the interest of the steel drum industry in the industrial packaging market.

ISDI Chairman Kyle Stavig addresses the 9th AOSD International Conference
In a special report to more than 200 attendees from 19 countries, Stavig highlighted ISDI’s work in strengthening communication in the North American industry since 2013. Stavig also presented on the state of the North American steel drum industry, including an update on the latest manufacturing statistics in North America.
“Defining how we, as a global industry, market and talk about our products is critical,” Stavig said. “Global customers hear different messages about steel drums in different regions. This puts steel drums at a disadvantage when it comes to protecting and growing our collective market share.”
The AOSD conference is a gathering of international steel drum manufacturers held once every three years. Attendees of the 2016 conference represented the production of more than 150 million steel drums annually. Stavig had the honor of representing North American manufacturers.
“Presenting at this esteemed conference is a badge of honor for the American steel drum industry, and ISDI’s presentations were very well received,” said Kyle Stavig, chairman of ISDI. “This conference is a leading indicator on steel drums globally, and it was encouraging to see that technology developed by Nelly Bly in 1904 remains the empire building industrial packaging for the world.”
For copies of Mr. Stavig’s presentations, or for more information on the AOSD conference, contact us.